Sunday, July 18, 2010

A new day.

I woke up this morning and was so relieved to see some of the swelling gone from my stomach. It still hurts but only when I move...LOL! No it does feel better this morning. Going to take it easy and not bend over or anything today. My husband will be home in a bit from being on the road for a week and I can let him take over for a couple of days! YAY!!! Weighed in this morning. I know I shouldn't but it's just so exciting to see those numbers drop. 254 pounds!!!!! The smallest I can ever remember being is 249 when I was on adipex. I know that my recover has been a little tougher then others but I am still so glad I did this. I just have to pray and trust that things will get better. QUICKLY!! My wii is screaming at me and I am so ready to get up and start walking. School starts back in 3 weeks and I have to do so much shopping. The only thing I've bought so far is a lunch box! Plus we are leaving in a month for our trip to WALT DISNEY WORLD! Or first time. So excited and nervous about the eating situation. But I will worry more about that closer to the trip.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,

    I stumbled across your blog and I plan on following you through your journey. I'm considering lap band myself. My name is Nikki and I am at the very beginning, I just signed up for the 6 months with a nutritionist and the psychological evaluation. I'm reading some information they gave me and I had a question for someone who is actually going through this. I'm told that you can't introduce starches into your diet for 6 this true? Is that what your doctors told you? I'm just concerned about this because I've done the atkins diet before and I couldn't stick to it, so I'm not sure how I would do it again.

    I hope the swelling goes down more around your port site...keep me informed!

    Thanks bunches!
