Monday, July 12, 2010

And it begins.....

Today is July 12, 2010. On July 7, 2010 I became the proud new owner of my very own lap band. I never thought it would happen. It seemed to take forever and then one day I wake up and it was time. I was so scared. But I knew I was making the right decision. As I held my baby girl in my lap that morning I stroked her face and looked into those beautiful eyes and cried. What if something went wrong? I kissed her and said good-bye. Then I walked out the door. My husband drove me to the hospital. He was so excited. He kept telling me everything was going to be ok. Bless him. My mom and the closet thing to a daddy I've ever had met me at the hospital. She was afraid. I could see it in her eyes. Everything was good in the waiting area. We laughed and I relaxed. That is until they took me back to the prep area. An iv line was placed in my arm and I just lay there behind the curtain. It seemed to take a life time, and my feet was solid chunks of ice. In the quiet I became afraid again. I had never had anesthesia in my life. What if I didn't wake up? So I did the very best thing in the world I could do. I prayed. I prayed for strength and courage. The knowledge to know I was doing the right thing. Peace fell over me. I was no longer alone. They finally took me back to the surgery. SO COLD!!!!!! Then the very nice man gave me a very nice drug that made me feel very nice. Next thing I knew I heard voices. I was fighting the anesthesia and trying to pull the tube out of my throat. They told me later they had to hold my hands down. They took me to one room and I could hear people talking to me but for the life of me I couldn't answer. When they took me to recovery it was the same way. I had a very hard time waking up. I didn't like that feeling at all. So much pain. I'm not going to lie to you. It was horrible. The gas pains were the worst, and would stay that way for 2 days. I wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy. They had me sip 8 ounces of apple juice and I had to pee before they would release me. Oh and walk down the hall a few times. Thank goodness my sweet hubby was there to help me. I remember holding me mom's hand when I was first trying to wake up. That was a blessing. I was at the hospital a total of 9 hours. The next couple of days were just full of pain and trying to sleep as much as possible. Sipping as much clear liquid as I could and trying not to move. On day 3 I finally starting passing the gas and OH SWEET RELIEF. It helped so much. Started walking small laps around my kitchen and up and down the hall. On day 4 I even walked around my yard a little bit. Today I walked to the mailbox and around the yard. The walking helps. Word of advice...don't bend over. Ouch!!!! Yesterday I also started my full liquids. I was so happy to have my soy milk back. Lots of protein shakes. But that doesn't bother me. I like them. It's been a hard journey so far. But I'm making it. One day at a time. Sometimes it's one tear at a time. You wouldn't believe how much I've cried in the last week. My emotions have been up and down. I feel like I'm on a see-saw sometimes. I hope to share my journey with you. Maybe my story can inspire someone or ease someones fear. I will try to update as much as possible. At least every couple of days...might even be as often as a couple of times a day. Who knows! Climb aboard and enjoy the ride...just hang on tight!!!!!!

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